Joel and Lynn GAzis-SAx's
Day of the Dead 2002

Each of these candles represents a dead soul who we welcome into our consciousness on this day.

To see who they are, just move your mouse over the candle.

Our Altar Welcoming the Dead - 2002

Francis Mathamel  Stella Mathamel   Sterling Beckwith  Evangelos Gazis  Eleftheria Gazis  Robert E. Sax  Erwin Peter Sax  Beatrice Sax  Marion Finley  
Hazel Capitolo  Theodore Brady  Teresa Brady  Orion Hashimoto  Barbara MacGinitie  Alice Minkler  Bill Minkler  George Gazis  Alekos Gazis  
Harry MacGinitie  Bea MacGinitie  Burnham Beckwith  Henry V. Sax  Albert Sax  Bob Gooden  Bill Beckwith  Carolyn Morris  Robert Burton Gooden  
Bob Herman  Bobby Kinney  Brian Sayre  Joan Egly  Fred Petroni  Gary Hendricks  Kelly Conn  Nancy Harjan  June Taulbee  
Ann Simms  Myra Keen  Roy  Mike  Dino  Elsie Renne  Kurt Burgell  Pat Shea  Alex Armour  
Pat Campbell   Karl Lindstrom   John Howard Lawrence   Elizabeth Mann  Stephen Jay Gould  Paul Wellstone  Sheila Wellstone  Marcia Wellstone

The Forgotten Soul

Celebrating the Day of the Dead