
Articles about the Year 2004 election.

August 17, 2004
Swift Boat to Hell

Gonzales appeals to the "some people say" logic of Fox News.

Posted by Joel at 06:11 PM | Read More
August 16, 2004
Bush for Dummies

Yes, you may steal this graphic.

Posted by Joel at 05:32 PM | Read More
August 15, 2004
Swift Kick and Punt Return

Because blogging has become popular and has drawn off a small sliver of the public who might otherwise mindlessly read the country's major newspapers or watch its television media, we are now targetted by the same people who have been maneuvering big media to toe the Republican line.

Posted by Joel at 10:33 PM | Read More
August 10, 2004
Their Best Argument

I even found one of them admitting that Al Gore had won the 2000 election and that the country was in dismal shape! This ranks with admitting that there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. But as with everything, there's a spin.

Posted by Joel at 10:59 PM | Read More
Swift Boat of Lies

The so-called Swift Boat commercials which are being shown in key swing states demand that Bush condemn them.

Posted by Joel at 07:27 PM | Read More
August 08, 2004
A Year 2000 Prophecy

Prophecy can be devastating and bite the recipient in unexpected ways.

Posted by Joel at 02:22 PM | Read More
August 03, 2004

It gives me a good feeling to see them clearing the condo of that rat. Let's send them to the White House!

Posted by Joel at 09:52 PM | Read More
July 31, 2004
Alone for Peace

Having delivered our troops and the people of Iraq into a quagmire, the American public is working hard to forgive itself by reaffirming its commitment to the war against Terror.

Posted by Joel at 04:21 PM | Read More
July 30, 2004
A Slap in The Face, A Brick on the Head

Mark we as one citizen who is aghast at the spectacle of a sincere anti-war activist turned apologist for a grotesque war in Iraq.

Posted by Joel at 04:21 PM | Read More
July 27, 2004
Trust with Verification the refrain went when the Reaganauts talked about the Soviet Union, but never about the Saudis, Saddam Hussein, the Afghani rebels, Israel, or the Contras.

Posted by Joel at 09:56 PM | Read More
June 22, 2004
Red, White and Blue Blindfold

The Senate is due to vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, an invasive, anti-states-rights tumor which the Libertines want to graft onto the U.S. Constitution mostly because it will sell in Kansas and cement their minority rule not only of the White House and also of the Congress.

Posted by Joel at 12:11 PM | Read More
May 28, 2004
The Day After Tomorrow

Fire or ice? The promos for this film suggest both.

Posted by Joel at 02:58 PM | Read More
Don Bushote?

George W. Bush's antics seem comic when we read about them in blogs but they are grimmer than satire when we remember that this is no fictional character but a fool with a great deal of power in his hands.

Posted by Joel at 02:29 PM | Read More
March 30, 2004
Killing an important check

This could be the stink that gets me to hold my nose and vote for Kerry.

Posted by Joel at 04:22 PM | Read More
March 02, 2004
Machine Politics in Orange

They sneaked in electronic voting in Orange County. When we went to the polls, the luminescent screens in their blue boxes were there.

Posted by Joel at 11:59 PM | Read More
February 20, 2004
Tuesday will Tell

Now that that story has been debunked, will Edwards keep his momentum as most electable candidate?

Posted by Joel at 07:43 PM | Read More
February 19, 2004
Hasn't Edwards Heard....

If the Democratic Platform does not come out against these things, I'm voting Third Party.

Posted by Joel at 09:30 PM | Read More
February 13, 2004
They've Always Got to Find a Penis

Those who have read my comments on Kerry lately might believe that I would be delighted to hear the news. Frankly, I think this calls for a massive yawn.

Posted by Joel at 01:06 AM | Read More
February 12, 2004
The Drum Beat

When I look over Drum's commentary on the war and Kerry's let-Bush-have-his-way-votes, I find ample room for embarassment in both matters.

Posted by Joel at 09:06 PM | Read More
February 10, 2004
Fear Drives The Democrats

I replied "The Democrats campaign based on Fear, too."

Posted by Joel at 08:18 PM | Read More
February 07, 2004
Michael Dukakis and 2004

Where was Dukakis's rage? Why didn't he tell the reporter off?

Posted by Joel at 06:29 PM | Read More
February 06, 2004
Democrats: Is this you?

Vote for the man you believe in, not the Republican in Democrat's clothing.

Posted by Joel at 10:10 PM | Read More
Anybody But Bush?

Can't we all just go along?" seems the best answer anyone has for voting for John Kerry, the leading Republicrat.

Posted by Joel at 12:42 AM | Read More
February 05, 2004
What has Kerry Done?

I am supposed to think that this man stands for reform just because he is a Democrat?

Posted by Joel at 07:09 PM | Read More
February 02, 2004
Howard Dean At Salon

He's not bitter about the press coverage he got -- it was to expected of the front runner -- nor has he given up the race.

Posted by Joel at 11:50 PM | Read More
January 31, 2004
Those White Boys

Straight hair, fair skin, and a penis grant a special license -- as long as the candidate has networked properly.

Posted by Joel at 04:31 PM | Read More
January 28, 2004
Smart Selection of Presidential Candidates?

I wonder what it would be like if we voted blind like this in the primaries?

Posted by Joel at 12:11 PM | Read More
January 27, 2004
Debunking the "Debunking"

The Libertines are in high form, trying to rewrite the language so that George W. Bush will not be labeled a coward or a chicken hawk.

Posted by Joel at 11:35 PM | Read More
January 26, 2004
Meat the Press

The friend who passed this on to me said that she thought it was a parody at first.

Posted by Joel at 03:36 PM | Read More
January 25, 2004
Howard and Judy and Laura

If you want a particular woman in the White House, you should support her for president.

Posted by Joel at 10:59 AM | Read More
January 17, 2004
Iowa Caucus 1992

Needless to say that Tom Harkin did not win the nomination. Nor did my favorite of the time, Paul Tsongas. The third place loser became our president.

Posted by Joel at 11:49 PM | Read More
Big Mouth Bob Meets Killer Dana

This being Orange County politics, the Weekly treats the race as pretty much finished by the time the March California Primary decides who will be the Republican candidate.

Posted by Joel at 05:27 PM | Read More
January 16, 2004
A Different Kind of Angry White Guy

I feel frustrated these days by the news.

Posted by Joel at 06:16 PM | Read More
Hating Judy Dean
Check out this post by Kris: Go ahead and Google Judith Steinberg Dean--you'll see many, many more examples of the...
Posted by Joel at 08:54 AM | Read More
January 15, 2004
Overrun in Atlanta

Doubtless, media pinionists will be all over the crowd for disturbing this "solemn ceremony".

Posted by Joel at 09:24 PM | Read More
Goodbye Carol

I endorsed her because she spoke my mind. I felt it was time to put my talk of Affirmative Action to work.

Posted by Joel at 06:24 PM | Read More
January 11, 2004
Howard Dean's Free Speech Zone is Everywhere

Ask not about Bush's repression of free speech and dissent in his presence, but make a big issue when Howard Dean speaks up for himself and for his supporters.

Posted by Joel at 06:17 PM | Read More
January 10, 2004
More New Terms for the "Debate"

My little dictionary of terms for today's changing political climate continues to grow as friends tell me their labels for particular types

Posted by Joel at 12:06 AM | Read More
January 08, 2004
Wimp-O-Matic Democrats

It's time to get angry, folks.

Posted by Joel at 10:37 PM | Read More
January 06, 2004
The Big RNC Lie about Moveon

Trust in other adults to make up their own minds based on the truth

Posted by Joel at 09:36 AM | Read More
January 05, 2004
State of the Disunion

Tell pResident Bush the real State of the Union.

Posted by Joel at 05:54 PM | Read More
January 02, 2004
Two New Terms for the "Debate"

Vichy Democrats: Refers to Democrats like Christopher Lieberman, John Kerry, John Edwards, Richard Gephardt, etc. who believe that the surest way to beat Bush is to act almost exactly like him.

Posted by Joel at 08:52 PM | Read More
December 22, 2003
Bush in 30 Seconds

Moveon asked its members to submit their dream ads designed to illuminate the real nature of the Bush record

Posted by Joel at 02:23 PM | Read More
December 11, 2003
Africa is a Country and Taiwan....

> China's colony according to the pResident

Posted by Joel at 09:08 PM | Read More
An Open Letter To Joseph Lieberman

Remember how you criticized Gore for losing the election by running "too populist" a campaign?

Posted by Joel at 02:26 PM | Read More
November 24, 2003
Howard Dean's Back

This comes straight from Saruman -- not Sauron -- the DLC.

Posted by Joel at 05:06 PM | Read More
November 15, 2003
In Memory of Gertrude Jones

....her legacy is one of hope for the future, that we, as Americans, can pull away from the divisive and bloodthirsty domestic and international politics of this usurper administration and move once again towards the working/middle class heaven we were until the rise of Reagan and George Bush Sr.

Posted by Joel at 02:42 PM | Read More
November 09, 2003
About the Guys With Confederate Flags on Their Pickups

The superficial attacks on Governor Dean, suggesting that he is racist, are plainly untrue and work to undermine the struggle to unseat the Pretender.

Posted by Joel at 03:34 PM | Read More
October 16, 2003
How to Defraud the Voters

If people stop believing in elections and want change, what will they do? I have said for years that our country is becoming Latin-Americanized, meaning that there is a growing rift between what the People want and what the Government delivers.

Posted by Joel at 05:05 PM | Read More
October 09, 2003
Swing and a Miss
I see where, in a speech to the National Guard in New Hampshire today, our President, who is becoming a...
Posted by Billy at 09:25 AM | Read More
September 22, 2003
Are You a Self-Defeating Democrat?
This cartoon from The Village Voice might well describe you. If you see yourself in any of the panels, it's...
Posted by Joel at 07:52 AM | Read More
September 13, 2003
Wesley Clark

I am hard pressed to think of a former general (other than Washington who suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion) who waged war while President.

Posted by Joel at 09:40 PM | Read More
September 10, 2003
Too Far and Not Far Enough

The Media went too far by broadcasting the scenes of the World Trade Center attack over and over again until people were crawling under their coffee tables, screaming as they thought they heard the Bernoulian screech of wind riding over the wings of jets plowing into their neighborhood.

Posted by Joel at 11:57 PM | Read More
July 27, 2003
The Liberia Trap

Think, Democrats. Think! Don't wimp out on opposing war!

Posted by Joel at 10:18 PM | Read More
July 25, 2003
All the Dirt, All the Time

Don't miss the local scandals, including the mysterious murder of Frederico the Goat

Posted by Joel at 10:30 PM | Read More
July 22, 2003
Carol Mosely Braun

So, though there is nothing to gain except the sense that I have done the right thing, I endorse Carol Mosely Braun.

Posted by Joel at 08:45 PM | Read More
July 17, 2003
Muslim-Speaking Troops?

This fumble and the Resident are making Yale's reputation appear overinflated.

Posted by Joel at 04:18 AM | Read More
July 16, 2003
If the election were held today....

....I would vote for Carol Moseley Braun.

Posted by Joel at 09:12 PM | Read More
John Kerry = Bush Lite?

To Kerry and his supporters I say simply this: Dean's wife and family are off limits.

Posted by Joel at 03:01 AM | Read More
George McGovern is Not Dead Yet

This was the one political campaign in which I didn't feel that I was selling my soul. It was also when I started to realize how full of hot air the press was and how petty the mushy middle could be when it came to small mistakes.

Posted by Joel at 01:21 AM | Read More
July 10, 2003
Not Endorsements

I make no endorsements at this time. I ask to be pressured to make none.

Posted by Joel at 10:13 PM | Read More
July 03, 2003
Howard Dean Needs to Broaden His Perspective

. It's the kind of talk that appeals to those white people who live within a hundred or so miles of the Canadian border, the ones who compost and recycle, but sometimes vote Republican. People like the ones in Fargo.

Posted by Joel at 12:35 AM | Read More
June 11, 2003
Blog for America
Howard Dean now has a weblog (written by Matthew Gross). Snatched from Ratched....
Posted by Joel at 09:32 PM | Read More
May 20, 2003
Sucking the Teat of A Volcano

I'm prepared to walk if the Democrats don't get a clue and start campaigning against the Patriot Act and for things like the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq and national health care for all.

Posted by Joel at 10:16 PM | Read More
A Question for Democrats

Is it Democrat at any cost?

Posted by Joel at 04:32 AM | Read More
May 19, 2003
Something for the Activist Elite

Where do men who wear four thousand dollar suits get off calling middle class people who put their consciences where their mouths out and who work to get out the vote "elites"?

Posted by Joel at 03:54 PM | Read More
April 23, 2003
Nineteen Ninety Two

Now the Wimpocrats don't want to raise health care as an issue because they say "it's a loser cause". They're right.

Posted by Joel at 03:47 AM | Read More