We're not sure if the word went out: notfrisco2.com now has MT-Blacklist installed. This means that when you get struck by advertising spam, you can not only delete it but set things up for all of us so that they can't pester us. MT-Blacklist will clean comments and trackbacks. But it doesn't do corn.
Site referral from downes.ca is down for the count. We're looking into setting up a javascript at this site. In the meantime, Joel is testing out the Blogtricks link referrer. No apparent customizations yet.
Bouts Rāmes is a blog dedicated to a rhyming game. You are welcome to participate, to advertise it on your site.
For those wanting to implement a Google Search on your site, here is the code:
<!-- Search Google --> <center> <FORM method=GET action=http://www.google.com/custom> <TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr valign=top align=center><td> <A HREF=http://www.google.com/search> <IMG SRC=http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_40wht.gif border=0 ALT=Google align=middle><BR> <INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=20 maxlength=255 value=""><BR> <INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE="Google Search"> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof VALUE="GALT:sandybrown;S:http://www.notfrisco2.com;VLC:crimson;AH:center;BGC:seashell;LC:chocolate;GFNT:salmon;ALC:crimson;BIMG:background="http://www.notfrisco2.com/webzine/Joel/back21.jpg;GIMP:crimson;AWFID:ff498f4ce5567fb2;"> <input type=hidden name=domains value="www.notfrisco2.com"><br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=""> the web <input type=radio name=sitesearch value="www.notfrisco2.com" checked> this site </td></tr></TABLE> </FORM> </center> <!-- Search Google -->To make the transmission of information easier between the members of this site, I've set up this new site and added it to the blogroll. Here you will learn about technical changes and upgrades to the site.