Africa blogwatch

Posted by Sappho on November 2nd, 2006 filed in Africa news and blogwatch, Blogwatch

A fun story from Ethiopia about Turning Mortar Shells Into Coffee Makers.

A less fun story about the strife in Darfur spilling over into Chad: Chad: New Wave of Inter-Ethnic Violence Swamps Eastern Chad, UN Refugee Agency Reports. (Here’s another account. And another.)

Côte d’Ivoire: Disability and Sex Can Share the Same Bed, Say Women.

Africa: AU Launches New Study On Customary Law.

The African Union on Tuesday launched a study on Customary International Humanitarian Law at its headquarters in Addis Ababa.

Published by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the study identifies 161 rules of customary international humanitarian law (IHL), showing customary laws have expanded the scope of protection for victims of non-international armed conflicts beyond what is provided for in treaty law, such as the Geneva Conventions and additional Protocols.

This study is the first exhaustive analysis of customary law related to armed conflict as practised by states.

Via Kenyan Pundit, a story about using the Internet to make microloans to developing countries.

Water purification with Moringa seeds.

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